I am in control of my life - like, really in control.

Before signing up for a Whiteboard Session I was feeling anxious- I knew things were good, but they didn't "feel" good. I was not really sure what to expect to be honest and both time and finances kept me from signing on earlier. I finally took the leap when the financial piece was no longer an issue for me.

My ahh haaa as a result of this work was truly that everything IS GOOD- I just need to take moments and recognize it and wrap my head around "life". My biggest takeaway is allowing time for reflection. When I feel anxious- I am able to recognize it and take a moment.

I am in control of my life - like, really in control.

The Whiteboard Session is awesome. Those two hours went by so fast!  I loved seeing everything unfold in front of me. It also amazed me how changing just one word in my commitments meant SO much when said out loud.

-Kara Chase

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